Winner Wonderland | Day 05 Belle Calligraphy Kit


Seriously, it’s day 05 already?  I feel like I am living in hyper speed, I think that may happen as you get older, I could have used that when I sat in math class in middle school, but I digress…it’s another giveaway day! Hooray!  Today we have Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls newest offering that she created with Chronicle Books, a charming little calligraphy kit that is perfect for gifting but you’ll most certainly want to keep it.  The kit has been selling out EVERYWHERE so we are so happy to have one to give to one lucky winner! Maybelle has a serious case of wanderlust and enviably travels constantly so with that in mind…

To enter to win one Belle Calligraphy Kit please answer the following question:

If you could get on a plane right now and go anywhere in the world for a long weekend where would you go?

Follow Maybelle on Instagram, Pin this image use hashtag #besottedwithmaybelle


Enter until January 2, 2016! We will close comments on December 26, 2015, January 2, 2016. All entries are chosen at random. We will announce the winners on January 4, 2016! Please make sure that when you enter your email in the comment box (note: it will NOT show on site) that it is a working email. We will give all winners a week to claim prizes after we contact them, after that week if it is not claimed, the prize will go to another entrant.

P.S. If you haven’t already, stop by the other days to enter! Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 04 | Day 05 | Day 06 | Day 07 | Day 08 | Day 09 | Day 10

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

70 thoughts on “Winner Wonderland | Day 05 Belle Calligraphy Kit

  1. Santa Fe, New Mexico for a weekend of great art, classical guitar, super delicious food and beautiful architecture all set against the back drop of the Sangre de Christo mountains.

  2. Easy, I would go to NYC and see my youngest daughter who is away at school. But first I would pick up my other two in LA. ;)

  3. New York City! Just because! I follow maybelle on Instagram. I love her work, thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  4. Somewhere warm, beautiful and close enough to the ocean to hear it. My travels are limited…Hawaii, perhaps?

  5. I should pick somewhere warmer, but I’m craving walks down cobbled streets of my husband and warm croissants…in Paris of course!

  6. I’d fly to Sweden. We lived there the past three years and came back to the U.S. this Summer. Even though I’m happy to be back, there are many things that I miss. I would bring my younger son too, so he could see and hug his best friend. That’s the hardest thing to watch, when he is so sad and misses him. Thank goodness for Skype!

  7. Oh dear – I would be flying home to New Zealand to spend Christmas with my family. First year away from home, and though I’m loving the Northern hemisphere traditions (mulled wine, hello!), I am missing my people.

  8. Oh, these giveaways are little treasures for me! Hope to win one :) I’d like to visit Highclere Castle, the beautiful Downton Abbey location!

  9. Paris…we visited before my baby was born and I would love to go back to reminisce with hubby and feed the baby French foods!

  10. I would love to go to Portland, Oregon… The most beautiful Japanese Garden, Good food scene… Check out Grassa… yummy Italian, and Lemongrass yummy Thai and a great center for the arts!

  11. I am going to Nepal with my husband…sights, culture, spirituality and great vegetarian food…oh, and cheap, fab shopping…sigh

  12. I would fly to Patagonia and stay at some fabulous mountain top resort soaking in the beauty of the mountains and the cold fresh air. Ahhhhh……

  13. Long Weekend? Hmm… somewhere sunny as it’s been pretty gray, and since it’s just a weekend I think I’d go see some family instead of sight seeing. San Diego, CA to see my sister and her family!

  14. I want to be this kind of woman: “Strong complementarian women combine things the world cannot explain: a sweet, tender, kind, loving, submissive, feminine beauty, with massive steel in their backs, and theology in their brains.” :)

  15. If I could get on a plane for a long weekend it would definitely without a doubt be to the Philippines. I miss my friends and family so much and any time with them, even just a weekend, would be much appreciated :3 Why does California have to be so far away T.T

  16. I would love to go to Uruguay with my husband and we would spend time with his family there. It would be priceless moments that I’d love to create and hold dear always.

  17. Given it’s winter time, I’ll take anywhere that is warm and sunny so I can lay on the beach with a pina colada :)

  18. ITALY. I’m so intrigued by the history of that place and would love to visit Pompeii (which has been a dream of mine for a few years now!). However, the food would definitely not be a letdown.

  19. I would go to Maui, it’s where my husband and I went for our honeymoon. One of our memory cards from our camera corrupted and we lost so many photos, I would want to go back with my film camera for a chance to photograph some of the places we already went and also new memories as well!

  20. Hong Kong – the city I spent my childhood in,
    An old favourite out of all the places I’ve been.
    Small enough to explore over a long weekend,
    A melting pot of cultures – the perfect blend.
    So many historical and culinary delights to discover,
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong – oh how I love her!

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