Around here…

Besotted with Maybelle Luxe Lettering Kit Giveaway

What a week! All my week’s feel like whirlwinds, maybe that’s part and parcel of having a toddler, or getting older (or drinking too much cold brew), but whatever the reason I can’t believe it’s Friday already. Since I work for myself I don’t get a traditional weekend, so Friday’s don’t feel much like Friday’s anymore, but I do remember savoring that feeling of closing time when I was working at an office (actually it was their storage closest) but still. With that lovely feeling in mind of it being time to head out for the weekend I will leave you a few things that are happening around here, happy weekend!

You still have time to enter Maybelle’s exquisite giveaway, remember to leave your comment here and make sure you regram or pin the images with the hashtag #lovemaybelle. We have been loving all your quotes, we are duly moved and inspired.

I have mentioned Maskcara before, I adore her, but this makeover was just outstanding!

I am a huge fan of the artist Carson Ellis, her collaborative project with her husband, Colin Meloy (of The Decemberists ) the book series ‘The Wildwood Chronicles’ is wildly imaginative and would not be the same without her illustrative genius. I am really relishing each chapter. This is a fun interview with Carson, if you interested in probing further and seeing more of her fine work.

Speaking of beautiful illustrations, my daughter is currently on a huge mermaid kick thanks to a stunningly beautiful double page mermaid spread in Dream Animals by Emily Winfield Martin. E. won’t even let me finish the story anymore and wants to cut straight to the mermaids, I love reading to her so I was in search of book with a mermaid focus and found The Mermaid and the Shoe by K.G.Campbell, the story is sweet and original and the illustrations are equally as gorgeous.

Michelle and I recently figured out something close to magic in Photoshop, a new (and easier) way to do a task for the next Foto Rx set we are creating. I love the thrill of discovery and being able to experiment with our new found skills! Speaking of that wonderful program Photoshop we will be having some simple + easy Photoshop tutorials up on the site next week!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

photo by michelle p.