So now that I got everyone excited about an intermediate modern calligraphy workshop and then shortly thereafter got you frustrated that you were no where near Cleavland, Ohio to attend said workshop, we thought we would bring back the excitement with a giveaway! Just like there are many, many beginner kits out there in the world, this one is sure to be one of our faves (but of course), there isn’t many intermediate kits. Calligrapher Lindsey Buck has done a bang up job of putting hers together, housed in a wooden tray with a charmingly illustrated sleeve you’ll find some excellent goodies to take your lettering to the next level.
Your intermediate kit will include the following:
2 nibs
1 wooden nib holder
1 empty bottle + gouache tube of paint (gray)
Pipette for mixing with gouache paint
1 gold ink
Words + Phrases sheet
Hand-drawn, how-to instructions
Digitizing Calligraphy how-to instructions
Practice papers
Practice envelopes
Resources sheet
And to sweeten the goodness we think we should absolutely include our very own Foto Rx | L25 Paper to Pixel Photoshop actions set! Word on the street amongst the lettering cognoscenti is it is the best thing to happen to cleaning up lettering since well Photoshop. We are biased and those who own it now obviously are too, but we know you’ll love it as well!
Firstly, I want to preface this giveaway by adding please, please don’t enter if you don’t plan on claiming the prize! It happened with our last giveaway, the amazing Maybelle even took time to letter the winning quote, we sent email after email and no answer. We are busy bees and (I’m a tired mama) so if I have to hunt you down, I will be choosing another winner and if I have to hunt that winner down than I will just keep the prize for myself (as she rubs her hands together in the most villainous of gestures). No, seriously, make it easy on us please, make sure you have an updated email we can contact you at, or check back in a week from now or check our Instagram feed next Tuesday, the winner most certainly could be you!
To enter to win answer the following question:
What skills do you wished you possessed?
I have about a million of these I could list but singing would be up there, never ask me to sing….
Winner will be announced Tuesday, September 22, 2015. For additional chances to enter Pin the image and use the hashtag #besottedwiththehive Good luck!
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
I wish I could flip like a gymnast! I often get the urge to tumble or at least do some handstands, but don’t possess the strength..or courage :)
I have always secretly wished that I knew how to do ballet on pointe. Those pointed toes are just so beautiful!
In the BIG picture? The knowledge and skill to cure cancer. ( I see it almost every day.)
Carpentry. . . I would love build something from scratch!
( I promise . . . I will “claim” if I am so lucky to win! )
Thank you and Christine for this gracious chance!
I wish I could fly. Think of the time I could have. A more realistic skill would be cooking. I just can’t cook for the life of me.
I have two wishes that stick out right now: to garden successfully (one of those I drop seeds and life blooms, fern gully, type gardeners) and I wish I had the skill to get my 10-month old baby girl to sleep well. I, too, am a tired mama. :)
I wish I was a skilled linguist. Picking up languages is a skill I just don’t have!
Oh, how I wish I was able to illustrate. I have always wanted to illustrate children’s books!
I wish I could draw and paint better! Also calligraphy is one of my favorite things in the world!
I really wish that I had hand written typography skills that didn’t always require a computer. I need to practice/embrace more hand written type!
how lovely of you! Thank you!
I am working every day to be kinder, and more understanding, and more forgiving. They’re skills I sorely wish came naturally to me! My mind has a running commentary on slights and motives and I wish instead it was full of compliments and confidence and, well, love.
I would love to play the piano and be proficient with Adobe Creative Suite!
I wish I was more organized.
I wish I could draw. I also wish I had a photographic memory!
I have always wished I had more of a green thumb- I can never seem to keep plants alive!
I wish I could paint and speak french :)
pinned too –
I wish I could be more artistic. After stick figures I’m out!
I wish I could sing! I’m not good but I sing anyway :)
I wish I had more time in my day to practice calligraphy. I’d love to develop my skills.
I really wish I could sew. I’m sure I could learn but I don’t like the being bad part that happens before you get good. :P
I’ve always wished I could sing too. You know like a diva — like Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey I sing a LOT in the shower and in the car… And in my mind, I sound just like them but when I see the look on my kids’ faces, the reality of the truth sets in. Ha! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! I really enjoy reading your blog!
I wish I could just whip up an amazing dinner without follow a recipe. My Mammy (grandmother) makes the best dinners and I’ve never seen her look at a recipe or cookbook. Her Southern cooking is outstanding and I just hope that over time I will develop that skill.
I would love to be able to take better photographs. I have taken classes and looked at tutorial after tutorial but feel like I just don’t have the eye. I’m always so impressed by the moments photographers can capture. I hope one day I will be able to get the hang of it!
It seems that no matter how many skills you have you always desire more. I was encouraged a few months ago when I heard Timothy Keller say that we will have all of eternity to accomplish all the good things we wanted to do here on earth but didn’t have the time or resources. So your wish to sing may just come true :) I wanted to learn to sew, especially when I was a child and has dolls and later when I has little girls. Unfortunately when you have little colicky babies there really is no time to learn any skill besides feeding them and taking very fast showers. I also had a desire to become an architect, but thought I should pursue something that will give me a stable job. And now I’m a stay at home mom pursuing my dream of calligraphy and brush lettering. Thank you for the giveaway :)
I wish I could sing as well! That, or be able to do quick but realistic sketches. I love the idea of creating illustrated travel journals for my vacations, but my hesitancy to sketch means it’s just words, no pictures, at this time.
There are oh so many things I could say about skills I would like to have. One of them is the ability to draw. I love the idea of sitting down and drawing and sketching, and this would be a great skill in my career. I’m hoping with time I will develop a style of my own. Thank you so much for the chance to say and for such a beautiful giveaway.
I wish I could draw or illustrate kids books. I wish I could learn calligraphy.
Oh, how I wish I could dance. I definitely don’t let it stop me from doing it, but my dance skills are seriously lacking…
I will tell you a couple wierd skills I wish I had. One, that I could write left handed and two that I could be really quick witted. More normal skills would be to play piano and sew like as well as my mom.
This summer I finally started writing down the things that I found myself often wishing I could do. I hope it helps me actually pursue them :) My main big ones are woodworking, guitar, sewing, and learning a second language. Little ones include figure drawing and learning how to swim correctly :D The calligraph set looks really nice – gold ink! – I’ve been appreciating your (and others) calligraphy insights lately. Thank you!
I wish I had more patience to learn new things, especially calligraphy. Hopefully this will give me the push I need!
I wish I was able to have more time to dedicate to this kind of stuff, because art is my life, and it will be really cool I win this because, I donr have enough resources to get this kind of materials. I’m willing to make more art! :) I know how to do calligraphy but, with a mechanical pencil is more hard and it takes more time :(
I wish I could sing and dance!!!! I am tone deaf, and have no rhythm to speak of.
Started to learn calligraphy many years ago. Now that I’m getting back to it, wish I could draw or paint to accompany my lettering. And sing! Always wished I could sing. Even if only Happy Birthday….
I have always wanted to find time to learn floral arranging and I wish I grew up fluent in a second language!
I wish I was better at spelling/grammar. I never really got the hang of those two things. Photography, coding, hand lettering and calligraphy are the skills that I am currently trying to acquire!
I wish I possessed some musical ability.
Thank you very much for this giveaway!
I guess the one skill I wish I really had right now is the skill of a master penman. I practice every day and I know with practice comes progress, but I’m just so excited to be able to create beautiful things for my family and significant other.
I wish I possessed more patience. I am working on it though!
I wish I had more free time to improve on artistic skills. The skill I am currently obsessing over to obtain is calligraphy and watercolour arts.
Where to begin… I wish I was more artistically and musically inclined! But for the skills I am lacking in, I am motivated all the more to exercise diligence and discipline to take ownership of these new abilities, including but not limited to calligraphy!
I too wish I could sing – I love music but can’t carry a tune! I’d love to have an eye for interior design as well.
I wish I had the skill of productivity! I live making my work but after working 40 at another job, I find it hard to be productive at home. I wish it came more naturally.
I wish that I could speak and write (in calligraphy, of course) every language around the globe. I would travel the world and share steeps of tea with creative, inspiring, international women.
Ahh so many things to learn still in life. I wish I could play guitar, speak multiple languages, ballet dance and illustrate all the crazy things in my head! One step at a time and I’ll get there.
I have always wished I could play the guitar. Also, calligraphy is one of those new found skills I would love to have and really desire to learn. What a wonderful giveaway, thank you!
The skill I wish I had most was the planning and organization. If I could tackle this simple thing, I feel like everything else would fall into place instead of existing in my mind.
I wish I had more courage to pursue my passion as an artist. I work in commodities trading but have always wanted to be a painter. I wish I could push the ideas straight out of my head and onto paper, creating something beautiful and inspiring! Oh, and I would like to be singing like a diva whilst doing it!