Maybelle Luxe Lettering Kit Winner!

She believed she could by Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls

And the winner is…Caroline Diaz! I do apologize for the delay on announcing the winner, when you have a toddler your best laid plans are pretty laughable. Toddlers are a mercurial lot and sometimes sleep for both parents and toddler are non-existent and mama may or may not walk around in a heavy fog with eyelids heavy and brain so drained that writing a post seems the equivalent of scaling Everest. Better late than never? Thank you to everyone that participated, we loved each and every one of your quotes so very much, what an inspiring collection we have amassed now! The winning quote resonated with all of us, especially Maybelle, she wanted you to see her first calligraphy efforts (brave woman), because she wants you all to know that if you believe in yourself crazy, impossible, magical things can happen…Maybelle first attempt at calligraphy

Everyone was a beginner at some point, hold that thought when you get frustrated with where you are at with a skill. Maybelle is a true inspiration to me and I know many of you, it’s not just her talent but her warmth, her humble nature and her ability to make everyone feel special.  If you have been wanting to take one of Maybelle’s workshops, this is going to be the last workshop for a while, because she is going to be busy writing a book! We wished we could have chosen every single one of you for the Luxe kit, but if you are dying to get your hands on a kit to try your hand at calligraphy Maybelle teamed up with Chronicle Books and created a kit-The Belle Calligraphy Kit. If you haven’t already, you can take Maybelle’s Modern Calligraphy class on line, I took it and loved it!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.