We are off today!  I am so excited but I do believe my naughty Frenchie is more thrilled than either myself or my husband could ever be. She loves car rides, we walk by our car every day when we walk her and she always stops patiently at the car door hoping that she might get lucky and get a lift.  Just wait until she finds out we will be in the car for four days straight!  My husband and I have been dreaming out loud of what we will do when we get to ‘civilization’. Both of us agree that we can’t wait to order dinner in. Yes, that’s right we have not had delivery in over a year now being out here in the woods and it seems like such a huge luxury that we can not wait to indulge in. We also can’t wait to have a real working internet connection, something the rest of the globe takes for granted, I shall be forever grateful for an internet connection that doesn’t time out every other second. Cable, we were laughing that we won’t be able to do any site seeing in our new city because we will be too busy catching up on all the cable shows we missed and ordering in take-out. Ah, the simple things in life.  I will just be so happy to be able to see people, it’s amazing how much you miss other humans when you are so far removed from them. So I guess we are a party of delighted folk + fauna heading out West!

And now around here on the beautiful interwebs…

Lettering genius Jon Contino popped by to let us know that his class at Skillshare will be archived, so I can take it and so can you, even if you can’t start it today!

Have you been reading Domaine Home?  It’s a fun lifestyle/interior site brought to you by a former Domino staffer. I also have been enjoying Chalkboard mag, a great read for anyone that is trying to be more green + healthy without becoming ‘granola’.

I am a devoted fan of make-up artist Kara of Maskara she has been on fire with her beauty posts lately, she has a great one for make-up for girls with glasses and a beautiful easy fresh-faced beauty look here.

Missing Polaroid photographs? Me too.  Printic is a new service that prints your Instgram photos into the nostalgic square Polaroid shape + free delivery!

Enjoy your day as will I (thoroughly). I have never been to any of the places we are driving through so I am exited to be able to see more of our beautiful country, hopefully the Frenchie won’t get car sick again like she did on the first leg of our trip coming out East. Nothing like traveling in a car with a sick bull dog when it’s 100+ outside and you have to have the windows rolled up for the air.

P.S. This was set for Monday and launched on Saturday, so much for technology and being prepared, eh?

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups and will be re-locating back to the city in the very near future.

6 thoughts on “AROUND HERE…

  1. I know??!!! I can’t wait to order in Thai or good pizza or??? My mind has been reeling with the possibilities!

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