Artful Product Photography Prompt


This week our prompt is ‘Artful Product Photography’. Think still life, but with the added aim of moving a potential consumer to purchase the featured product or try your hand at a faux documentary style ala Elliott Erwitt. This is not an easy prompt, but it’s a great one to help build your observational skills, your styling chops and your ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on (also feel free to borrow our hashtags so other people can find you!).


Some still life inspo with a product photography slant:

Elliott Erwitt created this amazing image for a French tourism ad and this for a shoe company.

André Kertész

I. | II. | III. | IV. | V.

photo by michelle p.

P.S. This image was edited with the word’s premier Product Photography editing actions.