Besotted with…Friday Faves with some madness thrown it

madnessplanner via besotted

We are throwing in a little madness this Friday with our favorites, there is a method to it so stick with us…

I. First up is the Madness Planner, a quarterly planner for ‘the mad ones’. Here’s a quick look at the inside. Thank you to Ez for introducing us to this one!

II. Speaking of mad, this quote from Jack Kerouac should light a fire under you.

III. Michelle knows my love for face oil runs deep, she recently tried this oil and loved it so much she picked up a bottle for me too! It’s light, emollient and is a great multitasker-hands, cuticles, even stray flyaways! I’ve used their silicone-free dry oil spray and LOVE it!

IV. I’ve been doing a 100 day project (100 days of botanicals), here are some of my favorite 100 day projects I have been enjoying: 100 days of tiny still lifes | 100 days of memory colors | 100 days of stolen minutes (she does these in 10 minutes!)

V. The incomparable Jen Gotch (social media mega personality) has a new podcast and it is hilarious. Yes, only Jen could take a subject so serious and taboo and make you laugh so hard your mascara  will run down your face, have a listen–Jen Gotch is OK…Sometimes.