I can not believe I haven’t gushed about this sooner because I am  truly coo coo for Coco Puffs over  the Cup of Jo’s hair tutorial series.  It is written and styled by the talented Joanna, her unbelievably gorgeous jewelry designer friend Caroline is the model (I have such a girl crush) and shot by one of my fave photographer’s Jamie Beck. The whole series is win-win, I tell you.  Bonus, the tutorials are easy enough to follow that even I of the instruction/tutorial challenged have actually been able to accomplish some of the hair feats.  In fact, I wore my hair in Heidi braids all week when I was in NYC, inspired by these cute tutes.  If you are looking for some style for your long locks, get over there now, you won’t be sorry, plus you can peek at Joanna’s cute boy Toby if hair isn’t your thing.

5 thoughts on “CUP OF JO::HAIR GENIUS

  1. agreed! caroline’s hair is pretty much my ideal. alas, i chopped off eleven inches a few months ago.

    p.s. saw your heidi braids on twitter. super cute!

  2. PJ I was going to cut my hair prior to these tutorials I was getting so frustrated with looking like Marcia Brady. Thank you for stopping by and the compliment on my braids:)


    Miss B.

  3. I love your blog! I have one tiny wish though- could you make your links a little more contrasting/colored, so I can see when they are there? Thanks so much! And thanks for the hair tutorial link…like always, it’s amazeee!

  4. Hi Em! Thank you for the compliment, I was thinking the same thing about the links! We just made them a little darker, but I was still thinking they may be a little too ‘discreet’, it has been notes and hopefully I can get it changed by next week!

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