This is one of my shots from the morning of the Jen Huang Workshop. I never acclimated to West Coast time my entire trip so I woke up at un-Godly hours but was able to watch the sunrise on multiple occasions due to my jet lag. I really loved the photo-ops I had throughout this trip and of course being a California girl I will always have an affinity for my home state. I promise I will write more about the workshop and the trip, but I think there is something I need to address stat. In my haste I did not announce any winners for the Hand Lettering Bestowal. I did have a lovely young lady email me and of course I have lost her email (so organized with the emails), but because she was kind enough to gently remind me I would like her to be one of the winners (if she hasn’t given up on me). I would also like to bestow some lettering on the following lovelies that entered to win and who patiently sat by whilst I neglected to announce a winner: Karolina, Lori, Rebecca, Mary Macleod and Kathy.
To all the winners, please email me what you would like and I will get right on it! By the way, I chose so many winners for selfish reasons, I haven’t practiced my lettering for at least 14 days and I am anxious to get back to my practice and it is so much more helpful if I have a specific directive. I am happy to be home, albeit my temporary home, but really my home now is where my husband and girls are, that being said I would prefer my home be on the West Best Coast. Sorry, I read that on a billboard and think it’s quite cheeky, so sorry to boldly rip it off.
P.S. One of my very favorite blogs + photographers, Caitlin of Roost asked me to do some lettering for her amazing beauty giveaway (gasp!) you would be remiss if you don’t go check it out (pinky promise). To say I was honored for the invitation is a complete understatement. To have my lettering on one of my fave blogs? It’s like winning the Lotto!
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups and will be re-locating back to the city in the very near future.
your lettering over at Roost IS GORGEOUS. truly. it is. it is the perfect compliment to you & the work that you do. lovely. xo
PS gleeful happy dance in my heart along that i have been bestowed with your lettering. xxoo
I adore this shot. My husband grew up in SB and my dad, stepmom and mil live there (not all together – ha!) so i know it well. Anyway, fantastic capture.
Your calligraphy over at Roost is beautiful! I read the post about this contest and I agree that it’s a very good way to practice your writing skills. I’m always stumped for what to write. Love your calligraphy. <3
Thank you Rebecca!!! Honestly, still pinching myself if you only knew how much I admire Caitlin and her beautiful blog! When I started this lettering project I never thought I would actually be doing it, lol. I like to procrastinate so the odds were not in my favor that I would follow through with this new discipline. I am happy as well! Let me know what you would like!
Denise I nearly spit my coffee out at the screen when I read your comment, very witty;) Thank you for the kind words!
Thank you Pauline! It is SO much easier to have a word in mind when practicing! I would write ‘words’ but I have only made it to three words and after that it gets wonky. I SO want to take a live class! ONe day soon I will be able to write a letter, that is one of my goals:)
Wow, what a beautiful picture! I love the sharp lettering against the blurry background.
Thank you Laura!
Love the work you did on Roost! Congratulations : )
oh my! what gorgeousness. So love getting your new blog post updates in my inbox (after a big unsubscribe fit it stands alone and is so welcomed ;)
Now I have stumbled upon the beautiful work of Caitlin at Roost and Jen Haung, found my way over to SugarBoo and a few more. What I love is that after this perfect hour of a slow breakfast while browsing online, I am turning off filled with intense inspiration and a happy heart. thank you Hx
What a stunning, dreamy photo! And great work and congratulations on the lettering; I agree that it is so much more fun (and more high-stakes!) to have real projects to work on. Keep on truckin’, woman!
I love the bokeh shot! Live not too far from SB and that is the view on a magical early Saturday drive to the zoo. Thanks for this. Also: lucky me, I reminded you that you hadn’t announced a winner yet…hugely grateful that you are bestowing lettering on me as a result.