I uploaded this photo and immediately thought I can’t wait to have the new blog done! I am going to make the photos a titch bigger on the re-design and that makes me happy. This was an easy edit, I started with a pretty well exposed, sharp image. I want to note here to those that have stumbled upon these edits that I am not a horrible photographer, I do try to pull the must hideous ones to work on. I get a lot of emails from outraged photographers that want me to proselytize getting the best photograph ‘in camera’ as possible and not rely on Photoshop. I promise you I believe this wholeheartedly, it’s just sometimes you shoot and your photographs are crap and you need a miracle. I like to work miracles. It’s a lot more exciting for me to transform a photograph that you would ordinarily delete and turn it into something you would frame. I have some winners to announce this week, which is another thrill. I love that I have the opportunity to share my good fortune with you!
I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.