Is it almost Friday?  It feels like it.  I allowed the Fancy to choose between the 50,000 different versions of this edit (trust me, it was such a half hearted effort on his part, he’s a boys boy/jock, he knows nothing about florals).  He actually didn’t choose this one, he chose one that was all blush, almost a rectangle of color.  I liked it, but I figured you might think I was getting lazy by turning the ugly ‘before’ photo into a rectangle of pink. I am not above being lazy, but I am only a couple weeks into the project I think I will save the rectangle/blob of color for when I am really feeling truly uninspired.
I am hoping to put my finishing touches on my ‘white’ office makeover inspiration board today and then finally getting the help (unfortunately not mental) that I need to get the makeover finally under way.  I am sitting on a stool as my ‘desk chair’ currently, that can’t be ergonomically correct and it sure won’t be winning me any design props anytime soon.


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