Today is supposed to be a snow day, but yesterday felt like one. My husband caught the flu but acted as though he had contracted the plague, thus making it near impossible to work my regular 12-15 hour day (I have mentioned how I treat myself like an indentured servant, no?) My husband’s took full advantage of having a wife/nurse maid. Every time I sat down at my desk chair I heard my husband cry from downstairs, “Hon, can you come down here for a sec?” So I would dutifully run down for something miniscule like ice cubes in his Gatorade or to bus his bowl of soup or larger requests such as running to the store (which is a good 20 minutes away). It went on like this for hours, until I finally raised the white flag of surrender and stopped working for the day. It was hard. We watched one boring documentary after another (I allowed him to choose which I never do), and I sat quietly and dreamt of florist extraordinaire Amy Merrick’s studio space. I think after you see these amazing shots from brilliant photographer Jennifer Causey you will have a case of studio envy too. I love working from home, but I do sometimes dream of commuting to a beautiful + inspiring space. Amy’s is so full of texture, beautiful light and character that I find myself wistful for something just like it one day.
Photo by Jennifer Causy