Modern office on a budget


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I appreciate the serenity and simplicity of minimal living and our home is pared down to be  sure, but I think I’m far too sentimental to be a true minimalist. My great-grandmother’s dining set (she had excellent taste) that needs refinishing, the daybed that I sketched on a napkin and asked my grandfather to make for me when I turned 15 (my 1st design project!), mean more to me than brand new sleek and sexy furniture ever could. However, there’s a time when sentimentality has to fall by the wayside and the need to upgrade cannot be ignored – like when sitting at the computer in one of great grandma’s dining room chairs with a bed pillow stacked on the seat, results in the worst back and neck pain since bruising my tailbone on a ski trip (because when I ski, I spend a lot of time on my rear – or well.. generally splayed out in the snow in some fashion). It was abundantly clear I needed to find some comfortable, good looking (preferably white), easily assembled, not too pricey, real deal office desk chairs ASAP.

After an extensive search (online that is), I came up with some pretty handsome finalists that I thought I’d share in case your back and neck have had it with your current desk chair as well. The winning chairs have been tested for a couple of weeks now, and I can honestly say that our backs/necks/rears couldn’t be happier!

Author / Miss Michelle P.

Miss Michelle P. is a photographer, and the co-creator of Foto Rx Premium Photoshop Actions. She lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her muse is light.


3 thoughts on “Modern office on a budget

  1. I’m suddenly having the strong urge to start an office chair budget line! :) These are great and I appreciate that they aren’t outrageously priced! Thank you.

    1. Oh Laura, that’s an excellent idea! There’s room for something like an Everlane for office chairs (all sorts of furniture actually.. rugs too!). When does your Kickstarter campaign launch? ;)

  2. The one you chose is beautiful and does look especially comfortable – it makes such a difference! I also love your mention of minimalism plus a few carefully-chosen sentimental pieces – a good combination that I lean toward as well!

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