Five for Friday…

Trader Joe's rose hand lotion via besotted blog

Wow! Did this week fly by or was it just me? I can’t believe that it’s already Friday and I am here to share some of my five favorites this week. Michelle was busy with a huge (good) surprise email this morning, so this is just my lips flapping my gums, we’ll get her awesome input next week!

I. Trader Joe’s is getting into the beauty game in a big way with these beautifully packaged rose oil infused products. The fragrance seemed a little heavy for me (but I am very particular with scents). If you are looking for photo props I think they are totally worth having. I also got a rose face oil and I LOVE how only the tiniest drop comes out, I will use it just so I can re-use the bottle in the future.

II. I am loving the concept of this cooking space. In their own words, “Cook Space Brooklyn is a culinary studio designed to foster and build confidence in the kitchen – in an atmosphere where guests feel welcome, inspired, and emboldened to experiment.” I am no where near Brooklyn, but I am hoping this concept catches on cross country, because it’s brilliant. They even have a class where you can cook your meals at their kitchen for the month, just brilliant!

III. I have been having a hard time with my curtains, and this post helped me tremendous amounts. I will be shopping for new rods this weekend, because my curtains although lovely do look like ‘a well put together woman with pants that are too tight’, to quote the indomitable Emily Henderson.

IV. My 4 year old daughter is a prolific artist and has taken over the entire dining room with her creations. I am thinking that I need to figure out another solution for quick + clean display options. I found this one and I think I may just bite the DIY bullet.

V. I am always, always, on the search for new picture books, because I am addicted to them (and of course I read them to my child…sometimes). This one is stunningly beautiful, the colors, the patterns the creativity! The story was a little on the dark side, in a true folklore style, so I’ll wait a while to share with my daughter, but so worth getting a look at if you love picture books too!

Water as a muse…

PDX-moody-water-diptychOur photo prompt this week for our Foto Rx 52 is water. We want to make these prompts as accessible to everyone as possible, if there’s not a beautiful body of water near you, think outside the box–raindrops, bathwater even the stillness of a glass of water could be beautiful. We edited these images with our Portland Modern + Moody set, it instantly imparts a more moody vibe to your shot with the subdued tones, deep shadows and milky grays.  It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52 (so you’ll make it a 48 or 35 no biggie!), shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on.

We have included some resources that include photographers that have water as a muse. We are hoping that these resources inspire you even if you aren’t a photographer, you could follow along and use the same prompts for illustration and even writing, get creative it’s the fastest way out of a rut (not just a creative one).


Photo shot with Fuji Xt10

Image edited with Portland Modern + Moody

Edited in Photoshop CC

Some photographers we admire with water as a muse:

His horizon’s feel like modern abstract art, most utilize long exposure

A wedding photographer turning her refined eye to the sea

These swimming pool shots are aces

Speaking of pools these are not to be missed…

dyptich by michelle p.

Five for Friday

52 week photo prompt lines via besotted blog

In an attempt to get out all the goodness we want to share with you I’m going to try a ‘Five for Friday’, it seems as if I am always jotting down little notes and thinking ‘we should write a post about that’ and then well, this little thing called life gets in the way. So here’s to trying new things…

I. We are doing lines at Foto Rx Co. (for our #FotoRx52 of course)! I have been racked with angst since I started the project, which is the opposite of what a photo project is supposed to do, this week it felt like my photo rut was finally lifting (a perk when you are shooting regularly) and I was able to see these power lines with new eyes. I am so happy how they turned out and instead of hating on the power lines per norm, I am looking forward to seeing them in a new light.

II. I just finished this book and I am in AWE of how the author so expertly and seamlessly navigated a story with multiple narrators and got each and every narrators voice so authentic, just totally inspired writing!

III. One of my new year’s goals was to master the cat eye. I was having a heap of failure, then I realized that I have hooded eyes and needed to do things a little differently. If you have hooded eyes and need help here are some tutorials to help 1 / 2 / 3

IV. I don’t have a lot of time for DIY’s anymore but I am aching to do this Moroccan pom pom blanket or even attempt the giant tassel blanket. I think adding in texture to my monochrome home is key to keep it looking one note.

V. If you missed it, we have two incredibly inspiring posts up for those that love to dabble in the painterly world without getting themselves dirty. Our blur on purpose’ resource is top notch (and I am LOVING this technique) and the digital painting tools that are free with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription has me ‘painting’ and drawing my head off!

Blur on purpose

ICM besotted blog

ICM II via besotted blog

Last week our prompt for our Foto Rx Co. 52 project was ‘blur’ so I wanted to share some resources for a technique called intentional camera movement for those that wanted to explore blur more. I found this technique on accident and couldn’t wait to try and share (that was about 6 months ago). I broke out the camera this week and felt completely uninspired (good thing we have a 52 week project or my camera would be collecting cobwebs!). After I finally got around to doing it, I was so dejected, I thought the images were rubbish.  Being the good friend that Michelle is she gently nudged me and asked where my blur images were (note, if you are doing an ongoing photo project make some friends that will make you accountable). I downloaded the images and did some quick edits mainly using our ‘magic pill’ action to get a good base edit, adjusting the white balance and sharpening and you know what?  I didn’t hate them! They aren’t how I envisioned but they have opened up the door for potential further exploration and that my friends is what gets me excited–experimenting (makes my inner scientist giddy).

I am linking to all the resources that I referenced to learn the technique and some inspiration images. It’s a super easy technique, you just need a camera that you can adjust your aperture and shutter speed. The results have a wonderful painterly feel and they are impossible to replicate, which I really love.  Hopefully you will get inspired and give it a go!


ICM the complete guide tutorial

Painting with light

Simple guide to ICM

14 tips to get the most out of ICM

Intentional camera movement and the landscape

Creative landscape shots using ICM

ICM technique

How to create impressionistic photographs

ICM Winter Abstracts

Michael Orton on ICM

Foto Rx Instagram

Foto Rx Magic Pill Action (really transfers a blah image instantly!)

Edited Photoshop CC

Camera used and lens

Collection of great ICM images


Andrew S. Gray

Doug Chinnery