I am still on my photo scavenger hunt of finding iconic images of the City of Angels to take with me to my new hometown.  My vision is to have one or two of the photographs blown up super size so I won’t feel too homesick. I asked my husband to take me to Lake Hollywood on Sunday.  It’s not really a lake, but a reservoir and I could have sworn that you were once allowed to get a lot closer to it. There were fences all around and it was miles down to the water.  “Terrorists,” my husband muttered, “that’s why we can’t get any  closer”.  I actually think my husband was lost and that was why we couldn’t get closer but I don’t like to mention the ‘L’ word (lost) in front of him because he goes a bit bananas.  I tried to make the most of the situation and pointed to the ‘lemon’ trees.  I have been wanting a lemon tree + sky image.  “Hon, those are oranges.  Do you still want to pull over?” he asked.  I of course didn’t want to be wrong anymore than he wanted to be lost, “Of course I want you to pull over!”.  We drove around some more and found a bevy of tourists. I have lived in L.A. pretty much my entire life and had never been to that spot, it had a view of the ‘lake’ and an unobstructed view of the Hollywood sign.  “You wanna photo for your blog?” my husband asked (he is really always so thoughtful), but of course I didn’t want a photo for my blog. I am like Greta Garbo, no photos, ever, but I think I mentioned I had a garage sale lens on my camera that was a little on the soft side? I decided it would work for a great photo-op, plus there was sun behind me so I figured it would help make for a little  lot less detail (which to me equals more flattering).   For those that are interested I was wearing this mascara and this foundation (this stuff is like taking an eraser to your face and is so light). Onward an upward, my iconic image search will continue.
P.S.  I am at the half way mark, only 15 more days, eek! 
P.P.S. Last photo was taken by Ace (formerly my fancy), now my husband, so I should give him credit in case he reads this and gets all flummoxed.
P.P.P.S. My husband hates when I wear red lipstick, how about yours?

17 thoughts on “THE GOLDEN STATE

  1. You are one gorgeous woman and that is a very flattering photo! Thanks for having the courage to post a photo of yourself. I posted a photo of myself today too. Maybe only the second time in 3 years. Takes courage.

  2. your photo is stunning! and you can credit a garage sale lens or back-lighting or being lost but I don’t believe it for one second.

    thanks for posting – while I love your Frenchie it’s really nice to have a face to go with all the wonderful comments and feedback in SFS.

    cheers from a quasi-professional, but now retired, mover!
    – elizabeth | seagrass studio

  3. Thank you ladies:) I want to comment that it REALLY is the soft lens and light BUT I am going to refrain and just say THANK YOU!

  4. So stylish, lady.

    I can never get used to MYSELF in red lipstick, so D’s opinion has yet to be determined. I usually wipe it off after a few minutes. I do have some red gloss that I was using over the summer and liked. Baby steps.

  5. Good word woman, if I looked like you I’d post pics of myself on my blog everyday!

    Love the pink-y glow on the orange shots- beautiful!

  6. you wear the red lipstick well…agree with elizabeth, it’s great to put a face with a name…you look as kind and thoughtful as your CS in SFS.
    safe and easy move east – claire : studio hannafin
    p.s. wish we had light like that here in boston!

  7. 1. I know Miss B., and she is just as pretty in real life. Soft lens my petunia.

    2. My husband hates it when I wear red lipstick. That and smoky eyes.

  8. Thank you! My husband is going to feel all smug with righteousness for all the other husbands that don’t like it, hah! Jules you don’t need make-up you are as Ace once said , ‘A knock-out’. Claire, you get great light in Boston, I lived there one summer (the hottest of my life!)

  9. I think husbands hate all kinds of lipstick, but maybe red ones in particular =D You look super glamorous wearing this colour though, it’s perfect with the hat!

  10. I had a feeling–Jules confirmed it–you’re gorgeous, soft lens or no! And terribly lucky to be able to wear red lipstick, I might add. With my pasty white skin, I look like a vampire who just finished a slurpy. Sigh.

  11. LOVE your red lipstick! You are a total babe and its a great photo. My man doesn’t mind the fancy lipstick but HATES when I do fancy hair– he likes it all down and flowing. To each their own!

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