Last weekend I was successful at snagging the last bundle of Zinnias at the Farmer’s market.  I usually don’t get so colorful in my floral choices, but the Technicolor petals were calling my name.  I also got some Dahlias but I’ll save those images for another post.  The flowers were surprisingly inexpensive, especially since I bought a muffin and scone for $8! Yes, eight U.S. dollars! I was distracted by the stand I was procuring the bake goods from charming branding and wasn’t paying attention until the moment it came to turn over my hard earned cash, but that’s another story, let’s get back to the Zinnias shall we?  I knew I had a roll of color Impossible Project film at home ( a gift I had been saving for a special occasion) and I figured the bright colors could be subdued by the dreamy film.  I think in theory this would have been great if any of my shots would have turned out.  I haven’t had any luck with Impossible Project film, which makes me wonder if it’s not the film but my camera (you see how I conveniently assume it just can’t be me?) I just haven’t had success with my SX70.  It was my beloved and now dead 680 Polaroid that I bonded with.  It was a flea market steal and now you can’t find one for less than $200, which is so not in my budget (come on, I started this post off complaining about spending $8!) I did do some test shots with my digital camera (see above) prior to check light, exposure and composition.  I am glad I did as these photos made me much happier than my instant film versions, which made me want to hurl my camera at the wall (that film is spendy). I want to let you know I didn’t do much to these shots but fix the white balance (which was more of a blue balance), I still can’t believe how vivid these flowers were and how sharp I shot (that never happens).  Here’s to happy accidents, have a wonderful weekend!

8 thoughts on “ZINNIAS

  1. Oh, handeling Impossible film is so tricky! Especially if you use an SX-70. I got one off of ebay lately for about $20 and I never get the lightening right, even if I use PX-film which is supposedly especially made for SX-70 cameras.
    It all depends on which temperature you develop them and the lightening wheel has to be set to darkest. Made the best shots for me yet.

    Anyway, these flowers look really nice, like you’d fallen into a batch of colors. Hopefully you’ll have more luck next time with the SX-70.

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