Only Tuesday and already I have an onset of heavy, shallow breathing.  Yes, I am that busy. I am trying to wrap up one branding project, start digital comps on another (a chocolatier!), do a portrait shoot for a major magazine and launch my shop. My brain feels like it is sizzling. To counteract this feeling of frenzy I do what  I do best–procrastinate.  Lucky for you my procrastination turns to goods for the blog. This is a glowy apricot photoshop action, it works really well on over exposed skies and makes fields nice and cream.  I haven’t tried it on portraits but the action is fully adjustable so you can play around.  I have included a before + after image in the download so you can get an idea of what type of image works for best results.  Happy editing! Now I must get back to the grind.  You can download your free apricot glow here.

P.S. For those of you having trouble I *think* it has finally been resolved. 


  1. Aloha Miss B.,
    Love this action you’ve created. I downloaded and tried applying it to my photo but somehow none of the steps work as I played them and a prompt saying “not available” as it goes through each step. Is it compatible w/CS5? I wish I can get it to work. Apricot glow is such a pretty action :)
    Mahalo, Merissa.

  2. Hi Merissa-

    It was made in CS5 and I have no idea what I did wrong, I will re-create it when I get back to the studio, what a bummer:(

  3. Hi Miss B. Thanks so much for the actions! I love your work. I tried the updated version and it’s still not working for me. I get an error message – The object “action “SNAP!” of Workflow BB is not currently available. I’ve done some research and can’t seem to find a solution. I know you’re a busy woman, so if anyone else out there figured it out. Please let me know. Thanks again for the freebie!

  4. Thanks so much for your generosity! This is a beautiful action. I also downloaded and love your Blush+Gray action too.

  5. It’s partly working here and I already used it! Its gorgeous… still, in the middle of the action it’s not continuing… however, the first part is already pretty good too ;)

  6. It’s working. And, fabulous! Just wanted to let you know the same issues are happening with the Blush and Gray Action. Thank you again for the actions! Love your work.

  7. I am glad it’s *kinda* working. Melanie what version of PS do you have? It should work in all versions. Stephanie I don’t know why the blush + gray action wouldn’t work, gah!

  8. I am growing more and more fond of “actions” in Photoshop. So fun, so easy and requires so much less work on my part. So thank you for this lovely action set – it looks beuuutiful!

  9. Hi Jessica:

    I am trying to figure out what the problem is, it is linked and I even went in and it’s set-up for download, confused, will need to contact our company we use, sorry for the inconvenience!

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