It certainly was an enjoyable week for us here, we love to talk books, design and food! Michelle and I usually have a few projects going at once so being able to theme are weeks here has allowed us to still pop in but also keeps us focused (it’s our daily challenge-focus), it works for this summertime state of mind when the last thing you want to be doing is sitting in front of your computer (unless you are me and have a hardcore Photoshop addiction).
If you aren’t following me on Instagram you wouldn’t have seen the lovely little bauble that is now in my possession. I feel so lucky to have such thoughtful + talented clients. I am getting excited to start on a couple more branding projects soon, I can’t wait to see the metamorphosis of this brand.
Even though the temperatures are rising considerably (even for Seattle) I have found myself on what could only be called a cooking spree. I just ordered this book, ‘genius’ is in the title and rightly so. I have earmarked too many recipes to count and have had great success with the ones I have made.
Michelle and I have both downloaded this book for a project we are working on. Did you know many classic titles are available to download for free on your Kindle? I am completely obsessed with mine and wouldn’t be able to do so much reading without it (all my reading time is relegated to the wee hours of the night when everyone else has drifted to sleep).
Speaking of projects, we have one brewing currently, but we wanted to ask you some questions first. I know we all seem to get those pangs of envy here on the interwebs when someone is doing something wildly creative and being successful at it. We were wondering if you had the opportunity to ask any of these Creatives, Artists, Entrepreneurs questions, if you could ask them questions (and get answers!) who would be on your top 5 list and what kind of questions would you ask?
P.S. I edited this photo with our Foto Rx actions (but of course) both the premium sets (First Aid Kit | Magic Pill + Film Effects-Grain and Matte, Shopkeeper’s Helper-Color Pop) and our Freebie for May ‘Aqua Skies’ (which allows you to paint a blue object and bring out the aqua and teals in it). If you want in on this action visit the shop or sign up for the list for free actions each month!
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.