Besotted with…Friday Faves



What a week, it seems like we get more done in our two full work days than I ever was able to do with a 60+ hour week.  Every week we get into a better rhythm and seem to be able to accomplish more with less, it’s pretty mind boggling to someone who often times would work from dawn to dawn prior. Ah, live and learn…

I. This incredibly beautiful image was something I was able to pilfer from Michelle’s hard drive. Speaking of pilfering, Michelle found all of these blooms in our neighborhood, they were spent blooms scattered about. You see photo-ops everywhere! The original was lovely (of course) but I think the edit with our beta Lightroom presets is looking mighty fine. We have heard your requests for presets and we are working on them at the Foto Rx lab and we think we are finally getting close…

II. Michelle bought me this incredible book for my birthday which I LOVE, she learned about it from The Art of Photography. Michelle thinks I mentioned before, but since I can’t remember I think it’s so worth mentioning again.

III. Did you know that Creative Live offers FREE classes every day?  I didn’t either, you can check them out here.

IV. There’s documentary on writer Joan Dideon out right now that has been getting a lot of buzz, I haven’t seen yet, but Michelle thought it was fascinating.

V. Michelle and I are working on a project that required specific tools from the art store.  The uber friendly folks at Daniel Smith introduced us to Caran D’ache watercolor pencils, we have used watercolor pencils in the past and felt they were lackluster at best, but these seem to be in a league of their own! We bought the Museum Aquarelle in black, if you fall in love you can always get this beautiful set. These pencils get rave reviews as well. We did try the water-soluble pastels which we didn’t get, but they are definitely on our list of things we would like!