Collections a Photo Prompt

Rock collection edited with Foto Rx Stockholm actions

Our prompt this week for our Foto Rx 52 project  is ‘collections’. Michelle and I are both on the minimalist side so we don’t have grand collections, but even something as simple as these beautiful pebbles in the same tones can help create a beautiful image. Photograph something that has sentimental value or go for a nature walk and revel in all the many splendors available. This could easily turn into an ongoing photo project for you!

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on!

P.S. Have you heard of Vero? Supposedly it’s like Instagram without the algorithm and a lot of people are jumping the Instagram ship. We aren’t crazy about the aesthetic, but we do like the concept a lot, we would love to hear from anyone that is using it!


Foto Rx Instagram

Photo shot with Fuji Xt10

Image edited with Stockholm | clean x minimal

Edited in Photoshop CC

Some photographers and their collections:

Jim Golden’s Collections of everyday objects

Christopher Marley’s intricate Natural History Collections

Lisa Congdon’s Collection a Day.

2 thoughts on “Collections a Photo Prompt

  1. Please research Vero. There’s some unappealing, to say the least, info about its founder. I am glad I didn’t sign up mainly because I didn’t think I should have to give a phone number.

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