Well , hello fine friends! As some of you may have encountered we had a bit of a botched code/design last week. Yes, there was panic involved and quite a lot of nail biting and the conclusion that we needed to switch back to our previous design pronto, which we have but have done some damage to our code. No worries, we are taking this in stride and although a little trigger shy we plan to try again soon (glutton’s for punishment? Perhaps). Instead of waiting for the mystical, magical day to put up posts with our beautiful new look, we decided to put up a post (and an awesome) resource for you, we hope you like!
Michelle and I came across the FontMatcherator the other day it’s a free online application via Font Squirrel where you upload an image with the font you wish to identify and it provides you with a list of fonts that are either the font (if you are lucky) or fonts that are very similar to the target one. It’s in its beta form right now but we’ve been having a lot of fun testing it out and when you have fallen for a font but don’t know the first place to start looking, I think that it’s worth the tiny effort to try it out!
P.S. We have a ton of prizes that were NOT claimed from our Winner Wonderland, which means we will be choosing and announcing alternate winners next week, stay tuned!
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
Sorry to hear about your coding troubles. Those are the worst for me – biggest source of frustration for sure! Great resources, though. Here’s another font finding tool: http://fontsinuse.com
Good luck with the new look!
I love using What The Font! on MyFonts too. :) Sorry about the coding troubles – your site is lovely as is, but fresh faces are always fun! Also, I’m sort of happy about unclaimed prizes, because I might have another shot. Cheers!
Nikkol, yes! We love that site too! We wrote about it a while back, but it’s a great reminder,thanks!
Laura, thank you! I used to like it more, but it seems to not have as many people participating, I have had about a dozen unanswered requests, which is such a bummer!
Thank you for the info! The most accurate program i’ve used so far for all my fonts its from http://www.findmyfont.com which has also a free version to download and scans my PC fonts too :)