I have a major confession, well not that major. At my Jen Huang Workshop I didn’t shoot film. I had good reason, I felt like I so rarely have the opportunity to shoot people (other than my husband) that I knew I was going be a wreck and then add film on top of that equation it could have been a disaster. I also really wanted to take advantage of all the beauty Jen had masterfully set-up for us, from the styled florals and vignettes (like that beautiful dress above) to the models, I didn’t want to miss a thing. I must say that all the models were amazing and I do want to show you some other images soon, but I was just crazy for Laura Murray. If you read my blog you know I have an obsession with beautiful skin and lashes and what you may not know is I also love me a good set of teethe, Laura was flawless. Besides the preset I used to make her photo black & white and a tiny mole that I removed (that she may have wanted to keep), I didn’t have to do any other edits to her (nada, rien, zip–no teethe whitening, no eye sharpening, no skin smoothing, nothing). Her eyes sparkled, her skin glowed, her hair was soft and in beautiful waves, she was the perfect subject. And get this, Laura isn’t even a model, that beautiful girl is a talented photographer! I hope she doesn’t mind that I am plastering her face all over the blog this morning.
Now for the presets I used. I have had this set for awhile, I bought them when I got my copy of Lightroom 4, they are the Film Art Presets from Clickin’ Moms. I always feel like I need to add a disclaimer of not letting the name dissuade you. You do not need to be a mom to participate in their forum or partake of their presets. I personally love these presets, even though I am a novice to LR and don’t really know yet how to manipulate the presets as well as I would like to. They do work best on RAW files and I currently do not shoot RAW but I was still able to use them and I am happy with my results. The thing I love most about presets over actions is you can scroll through each preset very quickly and get a preview of the results, it’s so much faster than using a Photoshop action. If you apply the effect and hate it you can just press ‘reset’ and your file is back to the original in a blink of an eye. I also feel like the Film Art presets do a beautiful job of mimicking film, the ‘moonstone’ is one of my faves in the color options and the one I used for the edit ‘Pewter’ is always a good choice. It’s a great buy if you have been wanting a film preset collection but feel like the VSCO or the Red Leaf versions are currently too much of an investment. And you? Have you tried any of these preset collections or think there is a set I should have mentioned? I do know that the look is not a substitute for the beauty of film, I do love the look of film so, but it is a nice alternative for those that want to get creative in the digital darkroom and add a nostalgic quality to their photographs.
make-up by 1011 makeup | styling by borrowedblu
P.S. One of my favorite floral studio’s Studio Choo is offering a very affordable flowering arranging class in April. Check it out!
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups and will be re-locating back to the city in the very near future.
Thank you for a lovely article. I am currently working with VSCO and I have to say sometimes I love it and other times I hate it! I have made my own VSCO tweaked preset. It still looks weird sometimes when applied to different weddings, locations and light. Never tried Red Leaf though.. or clicking moms.. might give it a go :)
I have trouble with VSCO in LR too, but they are easily tweakable. The CLickin Mom presets are fantastic! But I find they are better on RAW than jpeg and I like to shoot jpeg, because if I don’t I rely on the RAW to get a better photo instead of shooting with the idea of getting a better photo in camera. It forces me to be more present if that makes any sense?