I have been blessed with a plethora of freelance projects lately, yet I am still going to complain that there are just not enough hours in the day, thank you very much. I have been working so hard that I needed to just get outside for a few hours on Sunday and take a break.  I signed up for a photography “workshop”, I have that in quotes because it wasn’t much of a workshop as it was the opportunity to shoot a couple of “models”.  It didn’t matter, I was happy to drive back to Pasadena (as I am obviously stalking that city) and shoot for a couple of hours with people that are in love with photography.  It was a no pressure day and I was happy to participate.  I really wanted to try out my Lensbaby Composer on the models as I have not really got the hang of it since I got it for my birthday (last September!), I have tried a few times and hated all my results so it has been quietly sitting on my desk for months, making me feel guilty with each glance. I would really love to take a workshop on learning how to use the Lensbaby as it has me baffled. These are some of my experiments with the model in a babbling brook in a wooded area (yes, Pasadena even has little woodland forests).  This model had a very classic look and I wanted to convey a dreamy ‘back in time’ feel with the shots.  I love the blur (I mean that is the whole point of the Lensbaby) but would have liked a little less blur and a little more control of the focus.  Have any of you tried a Lensbaby?  Do you have any tips and tricks? I would love any Lensbaby advice if you have it.
photo’s by::tristan b.


  1. Such timeless shots, especially love the first one – wow!
    My only tactic with the lensbaby is to move the sweet spot to different areas & take way more shots than I think I need.

  2. Sounds like a fun day and a neat opportunity to shoot a human model vs. ones covered with body hair (no offense to Bella!)!

    I was thinking about getting a composer this summer…looks like a bit of learning curve, but very creative!


  3. Andree, it is very different shooting a human, for starters they actually take direction, lol. I was so impressed I thought they were the best “models” ever. I do recommend a Lensbaby you can probably by one used for a great price on the CM forum;)

  4. I love my lensbaby! It’s not exactly a trick, but I find shooting with a smaller aperture helps me control the blur. Say, f/5.6 of f/8. And after I feel like I’ve nailed those I can open up and allow more blur.

    Also, I LOVE the new sweet 35 optic. Greatness!

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