If you knew the time, money + effort I spend on test prints it would blow.your.mind. I have had many requests to print my photographs, granted most of them have been from my husband who can’t stand that images live on my hard drive. Before I was a photographer (I’ve been published multiple times in major interior design publications, gah!), I was a graphic designer and before I was a designer I was a printer. Printing my friends is very important to me. I feel that if an image is not printed on the right substrate than the final product is a failure (this is only true for my own images, I am sure yours look great no matter how you print them). It took a ton of trial and error for me to find a printer that was as insane passionate as I am. They get me. The two prints above are the product of this coupling. The snowy owl is a giclee print, which is an archival process printed on cotton rag paper. It is by far my favorite way that I prefer my images to come into printed fruition. I once sent a giclee to a good friend that asked if I painted the image, it’s an outstanding way to showcase your work. The antlers are printed on a metallic paper, which is perfect for this image as I wanted to re-create an almost daguerreotype effect, it works with this photo seamlessly. To say I am happy is an understatement.
In order to celebrate my great fortune in finding printing true love, I would love to share my prints with you. I am giving away two framed photos to two winners (One snowy owl + one antler, one photo each winner). The only request I make to potential entrants is that if you win you are willing to photograph the image in your home. That being said enter by letting me know where you would put this in your home or who you would gift this to. Any links are always welcome, I adore visiting them and getting to know you more.
P.S. Specs–the Snowy Owl is an 8″ x 12″ giclee, with an 8″ x 10″ archival mat in a 16″ x 20″ simple black wood frame. The size of this really makes an impressive statement! The Antlers are an 8″ x 10″ metallic print, with an 8″ x 10″ archival mat in an 11″ x 14″ simple black wood frame.
I will announce the winners next Wednesday, January 25, 2012. Good luck!
I LOVE these! Seriously. Your…uh…*fussiness* in print quality would not go to waste on me!!
These are beautiful! I’d love that owl (they have a new place in our hearts as my 2.5 year old son has taken to loving them). I’m not sure if I’d hang it in his room though… probably mine.
PS. 1/25 is my birthday… oops, was that shameless campaigning?? :)
PSS. Pinning immediately!
So pretty! I think I would hang the winning print right by my computer so I could enjoy it whenever I’m blogging and emailing!
God I love these!!!! I would hang them in my office as the colors are perfect, White, creamy, grey, black. I am drooling!
Having one of your originals in my new house would be amazing. I would showcase it proudly in our living room.
I have your platypus print hanging in our extra bedroom. It looks amazing there. There is an antiquy feel to the room and the platypus feels right at home.
Each of these prints are beautiful and draw me deeply into their subject.
They immediately bring me home, reminding me of growing up near the forests of the Rocky Mountains.
I am currently in the process of curating a gallery of artwork, portraits and images of things that ground us as a family and connect us with our home (we have been living away from family for over 6 years now.) Either of these prints would be a welcome addition to that space.
Having moved yet again, I can relate to the struggle to find the perfect printer that is the perfect compliment to your work. I am glad you have found your match!
I just love owls… and this one is beautiful… what a great giveaway….!!
Oh wow,
the antlers would look great on my living room wall and would fit to all other images perfectly!
Greetings from Germany,
I would be delighted an honored to have either one of these in my home. xo
I absolutely adore these! Your attention to detail is impeccable, and shows in the quality of your work! I would be thrilled to have these in my house…which is in dire need of some beautiful artwork on the walls! Pick me, pick me!
Thanks for the generous giveaway and the pretty photos!
I am a torn woman. I would love love love to gift these to my beautiful best friend who just participated in the miracle of childbirth. She would love a bit of beauty to add to her amazing household.
That being said…I’m painfully selfish and would probably wind up displaying them in my home office so I could make my eyes do a little *happy dance* whenever I look away from my monitor.
Decisions decisions.
Although they deserve more prominent placement, I would have to hang them in our bedroom, because they would look magnificent against the dark teal walls!
I would love to have one of these pieces on my mantle! They would really bring some class to the collection of art and antiques I have on there already!
I adore your photos and have learned so much from you sharing your process. I would be honoured to have one of your prints!!
I love these! I think they would go gorgeous on my dumont buffet from West Elm.
Vanessa Amspacher vka28@hotmail.com
I would love to put the antler photo on my mantle with my other owls and antlers… http://www.flickr.com/photos/brynfreeman/6710938031/
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Actually my Mr and I are looking for our first flat together, this is exciting! Both of us are students, which limits our decorating budget. Nonetheless I will try to spruce our flat up with diy and fleamarket decorations.
I love antlers(http://pinterest.com/nataljaf/), which is why I’d hang the print on my side of our (not-yet-existent) bed.
I would love to have our first piece of true art to create a overall feel around it.
I’d be honoured if you chose us.
wow, these are GORGEOUS! I would LOVE the antler print, and I think I’d put it above my little desk, that area is in need of a little extra loving…
These are lovely! I would display the antlers photo in my bedroom near windows that fill the room with light. It would make me smile every day! {natalie AT hazeled DOT com}
I adore them both. I am so happy you found a printer you like. I wish I could find one locally that I like but I have had no luck. If I won I would hang it near my desk :-)
I would love to put these in my reading nook!
Ahhh, I just found your blog again after losing all my bookmarks! And you are running a giveaway!!! I would love the snowy owl and would love to hang it in my 1 year old daughter’s room. We are trying to create a little Art collection to give to her on her 25th birthday:) I would be beside myself to photograph it! (nb just to let you know I am in Australia so please take me out of the running if the postage is prohibitive)
Either one would be beautiful….Location: on mantle over fireplace next to discarded antlers we found in the woods.
I started this by trying to figure out who I could give one of the prints to, and have ended it by deciding that I would have to keep them both. These would go on my mantle, with one of my photos – they’re beautiful.
Ooh, Miss B! You are *so* extremely talented. They are both enchanting (even as I sit in the middle of a hot Australian summer ☺). We recently moved house and have a plethora of rooms where these would like striking. Maybe the hallway would be the best. Fingers crossed! J x
i am madly in love with the antler print–would be an amazing win! congrats on finding THE printer! as a photographer…i can relate to the perfectionism you aim for. oh and if i won…it would definitely hang in my studio for inspiration. thanks for a chance to win!
Dear Miss B
The two prints are truly exquisite pieces of art which it would be an honour to display in our home. The owl would be a perfect gift for my seven year old son who already have a wonderful taste for fine things. The antlers would go in our living room being the final touch to complete a natural historical still life I have created.
I also take the opportunity to congratulate you to this utterly wonderful blogg, it’s pure love!
I hope me living on the other side of the Atlantic ocean doesn’t exclude me from the contest…… ; )
wow, the OWL !
in the entrance of our house…
Hi Miss B. Where do you get these printed? I wanted to offer my clients truly high-quality prints and Costco is not cutting it right now. Love the composition and muted colors, by the way!
As much as I love deer, I have two owls tattooed on my person. I think, for the size, the owl would have to go above a book case I have next to my kitchen table. It’s large enough, and contrasts enough in color, to compete with a glass mosiac sugar skull currently on the wall. It would be flanked by other, smaller, owls and skulls. What can I say? We love what we love. :)
These are simply stunning! I would hang them in my dining area, and I would love to send pictures. I would just have to give a warning, my walls are the color of masking tape and I’m not aloud to paint them because I am renting. so they would really stand out in the beautiful white!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I would give the owl print to my mom because she loves owls & has a print already that this would complement nicely. The antlers I would keep all to myself & hang in our living room or hall entrance. Thanks!
I just found your blog – and you – and I’m so thrilled that I did! I am a wanna-be photographer and I love using my photographs when designing layouts and more on my computer. Finished products are sent to family and friends.
Congrats on finding ‘the right’ printer! YAY!! I would be honoured to send you a photo of the winning print which I hope would be the owl but I’m flexible! lol I’m not sure if I would be selfish and hang it in my living room right across from the chair where I live 24/7 due to being critically ill and unable to climb the stairs to my bedroom plus needing to sit up at all times in order to breathe. I’m looking at that spot on the wall right now imagining one of these hanging there. Yep, looking good in my minds eye!! It would give me something beautiful to wake up to each day and to admire while I wile away the long hours each day as I cruise the net etc. on my laptop….OR….I could be very unselfish and present this to my wonderful mother-in-law who has done a lot for me because she collects anything ‘owlish’ and loves them dearly. Where ever it would hang, you would be sure to get a photograph of it! I’m a proud Canadian who loves wildlife.
Congrats on finding the new printer and on your new home here on the net. :)
hugs from Canada
Heather (otherwise known as hare2go – Yes, there is a GREAT story to go with that name!!) (hare2go at hotmail dot com)
Hello there! I love how much effort you put into your prints. Not everyone does. My partner and I just bought a new house (eek!), and we’re unfortunately spending all of our budget on fixing it up (you know, important things like windows and making sure the crawlspace isn’t full of water). We won’t have anything left for decorating, and I would love to add your GORGEOUS prints to our new home! I would be happy to take way too many photos of the prints in my home (most likely in different settings) and send them off to you. xoxo
Wow! Amazing prints. I would love love love either of these in my home. Either one would go in my kitchen.. or at the end of my hall… or, if I got the owl, above the guest bathroom toilet (kidding!).
Those are gorgeous prints. I want to say I would gift them since everyone I know has a birthday coming up in February, but I would definitely keep them for myself. I would add to my “art wall”.
I love these, I would put it in my bedroom above my dresser.
oh i love owls..they are my brand for my business, and a constant in my home. owl stands for “on with life”.
beautiful art..thanks for sharing with us!
The love of my life is in love with your work. I know she would absolutely adore your antlers! She says my apartment is so bare, so I would hang this above my plush livingroom sofa and surprise her when she visits. Then, I’d give it to her as an I-love-you gift. She visits your site, but has no idea I’m on here doing this. So I’m making the bold claim as the first (and currently only) male to vie for your beautiful art.
these are spectacular! either of them would find a perfect place in my home. i have a small owl collection (but no photographs) and would love either photo very much. here’s hoping!
Lovely! I would put it in my dining room…or maybe in my bedroom. =)
I would put it on my living room mantle.
Love these prints so much! I would love to hang them up on my gallery wall or lean them against my desk.
Oh I love these! The owl is my second favorite specimen in the Natural History Museum (have you seen the wolves at night exhibit – so good!) I think that this print will really stand out on my hallway gallery wall. I have a bunch of colorful fashion illustrations broken up with black and white animal prints (a rabbit and an elephant, and they could use an owl friend) Fingers crossed!
beautiful! in my living room where friends/guests can view it when they lounge.
This would be the perfect gift for my best friend. She is a veterinarian AND for a long time she was the “go to” vet for wild birds. The guys from the natural history museum would bring her a lot of wounded birds — especially hawks & owls that were found injured in some farmer’s field. She has also taken up photography in the past couple of years. She would be totally blown away by that owl. Here’s wishing & hoping…