I can’t get over these photographs by Jamie Simon of Intertwyned Photography. The company name may be familiar as I showed off her custom logo stamp this week, but I feel I would be remiss to not share her latest trip to Alaska with you.  Jamie was in our Souvenir Foto School classes and I would love to take full credit for her talent, but alas the girl has a naturally good eye.  Jamie is special in that she has done what most people only dream of doing and that is quit her corporate job (as a lawyer) and follow her heart to become a photographer. She has thrown herself into learning and honing her craft just as meticulously as she studied for the bar; she takes classes on an on going basis, she reads everything she can get her hands on about photography, takes workshops and interns. I always let our students know that the only way to get better at photography (this is true for most things for that matter) is to do them. Yes, just go out there and do them. You want to be a florist?  Volunteer your time with a florist you admire. How about a fashion designer?  I got my former intern a job this summer in NYC with a big time designer as what else? An intern. You need to be open to doing and then go do it.  I am a big believer in continuing education and you will always find me taking classes, reading or researching subjects that I have an interest in.  If you have been wanting to do something for a while and been stalling on getting started maybe this weekend you can take a few minutes and get started on making your dreams a reality. The journey of a million miles starts with one step.  Happy weekend to you!


  1. So true! As always, thinks for the fabulous link (P.S. Perusing her posts, I noticed her stamp from Besotted; doesn’t it just make you proud to know your stamp is going to make people happy?!)

    Now, a happy weekend to you!

  2. Hi Amy, your welcome + happy weekend to you! I am so proud of Jamie in general she is a special girl and an inspiration, she’s also pretty + witty, the whole package! As you are Miss Amy!

  3. I can’t even begin to describe how utterly flattered and honored I feel right now. oh my gosh – THANK YOU for the lovely words! And you most definitely should take some credit for my talent! I learned an immeasurable amount about photography in Souvenir Foto School! (And, FYI, I am waiting patiently for the next class!) Thanks again, T – really, thank you!

  4. Jamie, it is well deserved you inspire me to try harder every time I see another one of your beautiful images! Karla I agree, it is a brave soul that follows their heart!

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