Winner Wonderland | Day 10 Written Word Calligraphy Monogram Wax Seal Set

Written Word Calligraphy Wax Seal Set via Besotted Blog

Both Michelle and I did a simultaneous ‘wow’ when we saw Written Word Calligraphy’s new wax seal offering. Are you kidding me? I know how hard it is to create beautiful unique custom goods and how it’s even harder to create an equally beautiful package but calligrapher (and now shop owner), Karla Lim was able to do both flawlessly. Each wax seal has one of her gorgeous initials hand-lettered paired with a hand drawn wreath, just gorgeous!  This is a gift that anyone with a love for snail mail would love to receive but it’d be even better if you were the recipient, right?

To enter to win one Written Word Calligraphy Monogram Wax Seal Set please answer the following question:

Who do you aspire to be like?

(It’s okay to name more than one person! I had a hard time trying to name just one)

For additional chances to win:

Follow Written Word Calligraphy on Instgram, Pin this image use hashtag #besottedwithwrittenwordcalligraphy


Enter until January 2, 2016! We will close comments on December 26, 2015, January 2, 2016. All entries are chosen at random. We will announce the winners on January 4, 2016! Please make sure that when you enter your email in the comment box (note: it will NOT show on site) that it is a working email. We will give all winners a week to claim prizes after we contact them, after that week if it is not claimed, the prize will go to another entrant.

P.S. If you haven’t already, stop by the other days to enter! Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 04 | Day 05 | Day 06 | Day 07 | Day 08 | Day 09

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

60 thoughts on “Winner Wonderland | Day 10 Written Word Calligraphy Monogram Wax Seal Set

  1. My mother, my father, and my new daughter, the last of whom is helping me see the world with wonder again and is reigniting my completely mischievous side.

    Followed on IG!

  2. I aspire to be a balanced combination of my mother and grandmother. Both are incredibly strong, independent, successful, and kind southern women.

  3. I aspire to be like all the good people who seek the best within themselves. Although this might seem bizarre, but ever since I was little, I found Willie Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to be an inspiration on giving people dreams to go beyond what they think is possible.

    IG: vanillaXcream

  4. I aspire to be like my friend, Margie. She has a kind word for everyone and demonstrates a strong faith in God to carry her through difficult times.

  5. My Dad was honest and truthful and did not stray from his belief. I would love to be half the person he was.

  6. I really do not aspire to be like anyone, other than myself. I think it’s good to want to do better and have goals though and I’m always trying to do that.

  7. While there is no one person I strive to be like. I would be honoured if my marriage blossomed into one like my grandparents. If I had the wisdom of my father and cared for people like my mother.

  8. I admire the perserverence, strength, and work ethic of my mother. She became a widow when we were young, but she managed to work hard and provide the best life she could for my brother and I. Although we don’t always show our appreciation as children, as adults I understand the difficulty she had through life. I do not aspire to be exactly like her, but she has influenced me to be the best mother I can be for my own children.

  9. I aspire to be like my favorite calligraphers like Nina Tran, Anina Rubio, June Digan and mant more! They always inspire me a lot… And their little business using calligraphy which I also want to have one so I can have extra money for buying more calligraphy tools. :)

  10. You! Your talent, great attitude, smarts, style…
    , and I’m curious to hear your comments about staying slim & loving food!!!

  11. I aspire to be like my grandmother. Wise, caring, generous and an uncanny intuitiveness – possessing just one of these qualities I think would be admirable.

  12. My pastor is a great source of inpiration to me – he is kind, thoughtful, understanding, patient, non-judgmental. I aspire to be more like him.

  13. I aspire to be like Anne of Green Gables ( the whole series not just the one book) meets Mulan ( not just the Disney version. There is a real life version in 2009). Brave, smart, full of integrity, persistent, breaking the mold and being strong despite constant opposition.

  14. To be as patient as my mother when I see her holding my son until he falls asleep (he is a difficult one to put to sleep), to be as down to earth as my grandmother who lived to be a wealthy lady but always wore the same few outfits that she had made herself and was frugal with herself but generous with others, to be as serving as my husband who puts up with a lot and often gets up when the baby cries at night and closes the bedroom door behind him to let me sleep, to be as wise and compassionate as my mentors and teachers so that I can do my job well and take good care of those under my responsibility. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!

  15. Ok, this is my favourite… I really really wish to win this set, here in Italy it’s not so easy to find beautiful things like this.
    I would like to be like my dog :) patient, unconditional lover, enjoying the moment :) (yes, it sounds silly…)
    And of course I follow written word calligraphy on instagram since a looong time!

  16. I aspire to somehow grasp the intelligence and dedication of my father, the perseverance of my mother, the selflessness of my grandmother, and the gentle patience of my grandfather. These people have inspired me my whole life, and if I could inspire others in the same manner, that would be alright.

  17. I love the person who answered st. Francis. I concur, and add onto that my grandmother, for her kindness and positivity and patience.

  18. I aspire to be one of those CNN Heroes of the Year awardees,,,really amazing people, i just do what i can for others every asingle day

  19. Gorgeous item! I endeavor to be like my mother and husband, who are both flawlessly polite and wonderful at keeping in touch using the written word.

  20. I aspire to be a woman like this: “Strong complementarian women combine things the world cannot explain: a sweet, tender, kind, loving, submissive, feminine beauty, with massive steel in their backs, and theology in their brains.” :)

  21. I aspire to be like my mother. She is one of the most hardworking women I know. She has sacrificed a lot over the years to make sure that my sisters and I have the things she didn’t have. At one point she was working two nursing full time jobs in two different hospitals just to make ends meet. She always puts us before herself. She has also been my constant encourager and number 1 supporter. She believes in me and my goals and my dreams. I am so very very blessed to have a mother that’s also my friend.

  22. Ooh I love this giveaway!! There are MANY traits that I admire and hope to learn to demonstrate for MANY aspirational people. Career wise, I actually love Karla who develops these seals! Her calligraphy style is breathtaking, and as a person looking to learn the trade, I hope to one day develop a similar talent and knack for making even the most simple of items look naturally beautiful. I also admire my Aunt, who has been an English Teacher for the past 40 years, is a fabulous educator, and has endless patience. I also aspire to have my father’s light-hearted sense of humor, nothing is taken too seriously with him!

  23. I pray to grow in to a character such as my grandmother. She has left a lifelong impression on each of her children and grandchildren for being a woman of faith, honesty, laughter, and intentions.

  24. I aspire to be like my wonderful mother. She is the most selfless people I know. She has sacrificed so much so that I could be where I am today. She always put us kids first. She was a single mom, raised us on her own, put herself through college, graduated and now helps those in need. She’s on the other end and can say to people, “I was in your shoes once, it’ll be ok. You can do it, and you are stronger than you think. I know because I did it.’ I strive to be like her in all I do.

  25. There are so many persons to name! I believe, as one grows so does their appreciation for those around them. There are people I look at for various examples. Each year brings it’s own set of hurdles and I find that is the time we turn towards we aspire most and we see people around us in different light. Each person offers something to aspire to. Karla, herself serves as an inspiration for finding something you truly enjoy/love and follow your passion. Many people start the process but not many people are able to say they’ve achieved it, then again I’m certain Karla has a new list of things to yet be accomplished! ;) Overall, to me I think every person has a quality/skill I can aspire to, something I can learn from.

  26. There are many people that I admire; I’m not sure if there is one particular person I want to emulate. It’s amazing to observe and experience the character gifts that other people have been given!

  27. I aspire to be like my grandmother. She’s always so loving to everyone around her, and it really paid off when she needed it the most.

  28. I aspire to be a kind person, free of judgment and grateful for a fantastic life. Love the wax seals and Karla’s stuff.
    Instagram @sheilamho

  29. Lucy the Valiant has been my hero since childhood, when my parents handed me a boxed set of “The Chronicles of Narnia” for my seventh Easter. I love the word Valiant: feminine and “lionhearted” – just like Lucy; she isn’t perfect, but she is loved, kind, brave, and real.

  30. 1. Anina Rubio & Fozzy Dayrit – Two amaaaaazing calligraphers/travellers with hot beach bodies
    2. Winnie Monsod – Economist. Simply witty and bright.
    3. Patty Dy, Mark Nickdao – talented photographers.

    These people are just amaaaazing!!!

  31. I haven’t really thought about this question before. I guess I’d say that a combination of both sides of my great grandparents and grandparents would be an awesome mix. They all have had amazing qualities that are not common to come across these days. They also lived their lives being examples to all of their family.

  32. I aspire to be like these two women, in an article from the Daily Good, Jul 27, 2013– “These two local heroes changed the tide of their communities through a deep commitment to nurture a healthy planet and unwavering courage to follow their hearts’ calling. They’re part of a “growing global movement to significantly reduce the amount of trash we produce as communities, cities, countries and even regions. It’s called the zero-waste movement…Adilla is a grassroots recycler — also known as a waste picker — from the embattled city of Bogota, Colombia. Ercolini is an elementary school teacher from the rustic farmlands of Capannori, Italy.” They represent much hope and inspiration for creating communities that value sustainable living so that we can become responsible stewards of our Mother Earth.” This article shares more. I would love to create and encourage myself and others to create local movements in their communities. Happy 2016!

  33. My toddler son and my dog – they give unconditional love and no expectation. When I come home, they greet me and it’s the priceless moment.

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